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I have super duper exciting news! As you can surely tell from the headline of my cleverly-titled post, I am rebranding my first three books to bring them into line with the print quality of the recent series. HURRAH! Now the art on The Vengeance Trilogy covers won’t be changing, they will still feature the beautiful original artwork of Viktor Fetsch representing three characters from the books (Katashi Otako, Malice and Emperor Kin) but Shawn King from STK Kreations has given them fresh life.


This is a project we’ve been working on slowly for quite some time now, since it became apparent that the original versions just wouldn’t hold up against the new ones. As you can see from the images above, the colour at the bottom of each covered too much of the art, especially on The Gods of Vice where the addition of the blue stole much of the detail from Malice. The spines, too, were very flat and overall lacking the punch Shawn has brought to The Reborn Empire and In Shadows We Fall. So it was time for a makeover!

Aaaand the NEW ONES!







Aren’t they beautiful? I am super pleased with how these turned out and owe huge thanks to Shawn for taking the time with them that he did.


So what now?

The ebooks will be switching over in the next couple of days, but there is no difference to the interior so that’s all good.

The original covers will be available in print through all the usual online retailers for about another two weeks or so for anyone who is still desirous of completing a set they might only be halfway through reading/purchasing, but after that we will be making the full switch over and they won’t be available anymore. That will leave the 150 or so sets of original print run books I have (with spot gloss and everything!) the last of their kind and once they are gone I will be shifting over completely to selling only the new ones at conventions as well as online.

So that’s that! NEW COVERS! EXCITEMENT! There will of course be more cover excitement soon with Book 2 of The Reborn Empire, but until then this is here to tide you all over.