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So moving officially sucks. In fact I think it sucked before now, but it’s been nearly three years since the last move and I’ve managed to mostly forget about it, like how you can have more children after the first despite how much it hurt and how much you hate getting woken sixty times every night. NO MORE KIDS! EVER!

But I digress. This move sucks more than any of the previous little moves from suburb to suburb, or even the one that took us two hours out of Melbourne and into the sticks. I don’t think you can get much further across the world than Australia to Canada. We have about three weeks left and are doing the goodbye rounds with friends and again and again I get asked how I’m going to adjust, or if I’m excited and so on. Well you know what? I’m probably going to piss myself when I get off that plane in another country where there’s all this weird white stuff called snow and everything, EVERYTHING is different. So please stop asking how I’ll adjust.

It is currently 43 degrees outside. And I haven’t even seen snow before…