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I have been slack updating this space with my news, but now I’m through the worst of the EDITING LANDSLIDE, I hope to be more on top of it.

SO, better late than never. A bit over a year ago, I was preparing for the release of the second book in my Reborn Empire series when my career took a sudden turn. A WHOLE DAMN YEAR followed in which I had to be totally silent and keep all my excitement to myself as I worked busily away at my projects, not telling anyone. Did I mention I couldn’t tell anyone? I couldn’t tell anyone and it was really hard. What I wanted to shout about, was that in January 2019, the lovely Nivia Evans at Orbit US emailed me out of the blue expressing interest in my book, We Ride the Storm. At first I didn’t believe it was real. Then I had a mini panic attack. Then I wrote back. The rest is history (at times stressful, amusing, exciting and also dull history). 

Orbit ended up acquiring SEVEN of my books. The four books of THE REBORN EMPIRE series, and three from the prequel trilogy that starts with THE BLOOD OF WHISPERERS.

So what has changed? The cover, most obviously. That was a given from the beginning of the process and I have to say that as much as I loved my original cover (on the left), the new one(on the right) is just as glorious and wonderful and lives up to its predecessor in every way. The internal character symbols have also changed, as has the map. As for the story, well it now has three new chapters as well as extra scenes and characters. There is deeper world-building especially for the Levanti society, and plenty of tidying up has been done. I love it even more than I did before and cannot wait to share it with you all.

WE RIDE THE STORM is out now in ebook, or can be preordered for the June 23rd release date!

The second book in THE REBORN EMPIRE series, (the one I was just about to release when all of this started and I had to pull it) is called WE LIE WITH DEATH and it is slated for release in January 2021, with books 3 and 4 following in the same year. EXCIIIIIITE!